
If you don’t think the by-election result in Copeland is an absolute catastrophe for the Labour party then you’re living in denial. It is nothing short of awful. A clear 2,000+ majority for the Tories. A swing of 6% made it the best by-election result for a governing party since 1966. It’s the first gain…

A few words about Jury Service

  For the past two weeks I have been fulfilling one of life’s important civic duties; jury service. What a funny thing it is. A system based entirely on random selection of strangers, who are then charged with administering justice. Far be it from me to criticise our legal system but my first impression of the…

The humiliation of fellow human beings

Do you ever get that overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, a feeling that is not really attributable to you but all of a sudden makes you realise just how small you are, how totally unable you are to change things? I had that last week. I was in Ireland on a bit of a jolly and…