2017: the year of Trump

He might be Time Magazine’s man of 2016, but 2017 is all set to be the year of the Donald, and I am dreading it. There have been some pretty horrible leaders in the world. Dictators, despots, murderers, tyrants – all of them hated by the West. But now here we have something completely different….


For the past few weeks I’ve been revelling in the Christmas spirit. I love this time of year and all that it brings with it. But whilst I’ve been preoccupied with buying gifts, drinking wine and counting down to the Christmas holidays, there are people around the world for whom this is a distant dream….

Labour is right to ask Government to cover child funeral costs

Given that we’re absolutely swimming in stories about Brexit, it may be hard to notice but there are other things going on in the political world at the moment. Labour members and elected representatives are busy campaigning on several issues including steel production, the NHS, and investment into national transport. One such issue has been…